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"I've been training with HVAC GOD for a few years and it has changed my mindset from a good salesman to a great salesman and now to a dominating salesman. My standards have changed so much. So far I bought 2 homes and 4 Vehicles and all of them I payed CASH. My family now eats Grass fed Steaks and organic berries and I'm paying for my sons College tuition. Thanks HVAC GOD!!"

-James Smith, Senior Tech Home Comfort

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"Boss, just wanted to take the time to let you know that working for you has been an awesome experience. I have grown and learned so much over the past few years and I owe a big chunk of it to you. From day one you believed in me, you have been there when I've been in need of a good mentor and guidance, you have not given up on me and you have even been on jobs with me which shows a lot from an employees point of view. Talk only goes so far but when you are willing to take time out of your day to actually go out in the field and show and teach, that to me is a working boss and I definitely can appreciate it. The lessons you teach us, the time and effort you have invested to not only improve our company but also our own personal lives, that's awesome, most bosses don't really interact in these ways with employees. I like the feeling of not being a number and you making each one of us count. I'm looking forward to more lessons, ass chewing's, sweat, blood and tears because at the end of the day its all worth it and it will make us stronger HVAC TECHS...thanks boss."

-Jose Vargas, Senior Tech

"I have worked with Keith Flores off and on since 2010.  When I first met
 Keith my belief in what good service meant was far different than now. From the first meeting I sat in and listened, he opened my eyes to all the 
things that truly make not only a great service tech, but what it takes to
 ensure a satisfied customer. I've been fortunate enough to work beside him
 throughout my career, each time I gain that much more knowledge and 
understanding of the trade and mostly, my own potential. He is gifted in the 
sense he can always bring the best out in those willing to listen. He not
 only has high standards in production from himself but instills it in those
working for him and those working around him. I owe my success in this trade
 to my eyes being opened by the paths Keith has shown me. He is a great boss,
 a good friend and most of all a great mentor."


-Troy Walker, Sales Rep Baker

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"For your tenacity of purpose and outstanding leadership qualities, I salute you sir. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support. I will remain grateful. You are a wonderful mentor, friend and everything one could look for in a good mentor. You groomed me to be a sound professional and make working with you an interesting and lifetime experience. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness. Accept my heartfelt gratitude for your time, support and patience."

“Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults that we would like. It's the only way we grow.”

― George Lucas, Star Wars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones


-Albert Meza, GM Total Comfort

"Hello my name is Lance Eakins, I've been in the HVAC trade for over 15 years now. I've started at to bottom and worked my way up the ladder with hard work and dedication. I was with the same company for 10 years. I met Keith Flores towards the end of my 10 year of a large company. At first we bumped heads due to me being late to work. But he opened up my eyes and was consistent and commanded respect. Once I got to know Keith he has earned my respect and is one of the best owner operator slash general managers I've ever had the pleasure to work for. I would say the greatest thing that Keith has showed me, is that you always look and act professional. Keeping a well dialed in truck and always having a clean uniform. Being well-versed and clean cut. Another great attribute as you always put customers first and take care of them firsthand. And I feel 100% that by following these  examples you will succeed and thrive in your business as well as personal life."

-Lance Eakins, Nordic Heating and Air Owner

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"I have had the pleasure to work with Keith Flores and his team for 3 years. I appreciate his passion for personal and team growth. His dedication to excellence is evident in his consistent ability to build profitability and strong industry partnerships. If you are looking to build your brand, HVACGOD has the experience and drive to make it happen."

-Isaac Roman, Territory Manager Ferguson

"I have been associated with Keith for 10 plus years in the HVAC industry, over that time he has been both a great asset and a leader in the industry . He was and is always willing to share his knowledge and experience , both in the service and sales areas and has furthered the careers of technicians, comfort advisors and managers he works with."

-Jim McGinnis, Manager Right Time ARS

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"I met Keith Flores in 2005 when I was in my early 20's. I was looking for a new challenge and to work for someone other than family for a change. Little did I know I would find a life long mentor and friend. He hired me with absolutely zero HVAC experience and invested a lot of time and resources helping me develop on a professional level, as well as on a personal level. I was hired as an install helper, and under his direction and guidance quickly worked my way into the service department and ultimately into a sales position. My income doubled the second year I worked with Keith and I continued to grow and improve each year. He has been very instrumental in my growth and advancement inside the HVAC industry as well as in life. His influence has compelled me to push myself and always strive for the next biggest opportunity. Still to this day I look to Keith for guidance and advice on a personal and professional level."

-Dominic Ramos, GM Associated

"Keith brought a new level of accountability and sales training that we still use to this day.  We've been able to take the slow months and turn them into gold! Thanks Keith!"

-Paul Bigham, One Hour

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"Keith Flores has been a business associate of mine for over 12 years and I have witnessed his growth as a manager, business consultant and sales professional, while developing a great friendship with him along the way.  Keith has the canny ability to positively motivate the team that he manages, while earning their respect as a leader and getting them to produce maximum results.  Many times beyond what they thought was possible.  Keith is highly effective at implementing processes and procedures that streamline a company’s operations.  Yet, his most enduring qualities are in his passion for sales and the development of sales systems that positively impact the client while providing the sales person the skills that they need to communicate solutions effectively.  I’ve seen Keith take companies with mediocre sales performance to exponential growth in a matter of months.  He is a driven implementer that understands how to get an individual to communicate effectively whether they are a sales professional or a technician in the field.
I am highly recommending Keith as your go to guy for implementing effective sales processes and systems that your team may desperately need to help them succeed and in turn get you to the level of growth and prosperity that you work so hard for and deserve."

-Steve Mores, VP of Sales Dynamic Air Quality Solutions

"I have had the privilege of working with Keith off and on since 2006.  He is a dynamic leader and natural sales motivator.  His passion and energy are contagious.  Keith has inspired and trained some of the best technicians and sales people in the HVAC industry. I do need to say that Keith and I have become close friends throughout this time and I truly appreciate the value and innovation that he brings to our industry."

-Allen Crick, Bullseye HVAC Owner

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I had the privilege to meet Keith about 2 years ago when I was doing contract work for Service Titan. As a sales & team building professional in the trades myself, I realized why I clicked with Keith instantly.  It was because Keith has this energy, passion, and drive he shares because of his love for the industry with the goal for others to succeed as well. 

I’ve not only seen Keith take his own companies to success but help others as well. This guy is a true gentleman and professional. Being in similar industries, I am always open to sit down with Keith to listen and learn!

-Jerry Hanessian, Goliath Inc.

Keith Flores. The man. The myth. The legend. I have personally known Keith for over 10 years.  Not only have I seen him transform companies from nothing to something, the quality and professionalism he instills in the companies and employees is the true achievement.  

-Ian Jacoby, iPermit President

In the many years that I have known Keith, he has consistently succeeded by implementing proven processes and clear strategies, coupled with consistent accountability measures.


Keith's passion for excellence, quality and integrity has been a Guiding Light for hundreds of people in the HVAC sector.


As a leader, he has shown great motivation and management skills. His understanding of what is necessary to grow and develop, not just the business overall, but also each team member in the company.


I highly recommend hvac-god for anyone that wants to lift their skills and improve their business.


Mark Atherstone, CDO ECM-Technologies

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